Welcome to BSAC 406 weekly Dive Report. Please contact Ian Hussey if you would like to contribute to the weekly newsletter that is distributed to BSAC 406 members worldwide. In addition, if you would like to feature in the published Dive Report please contact Polly Buckingham. |
Those of us who went to Al Sawadi in Oman in the last weekend of July had a couple of memorable dives on the Damaniyat Islands. As well as the monster rays and morays a whale shark came out to play with us put a few minutes. Thanks to Sergey the event was caught on camera and a few of these shots are shown below. This is just for your interest of course – I’m in no way trying to make anyone jealous. While this was going on, Uwe was taking a boat out to the Mariam Express. I believe the divers came back with a crockery set each. We dived the Neptune and Jumbo on the 24th - Derek (and family) did their best to entertain us by nearly losing a dive computer (dropped overboard – found on the seabed by Danny), a fin (dropped whilst getting into the boat – drifting off to Iran – retrieved by Marc doing a Michael Phelps impression) and a camera (found on the boat not having left it). This is not to mention coming up with – shall we say – a tad less than 50bar. Might take a while to tot up the fines for this one Derek! On Friday the 17th we went to check out some co-ordinates of potential wreck sites. The first one was indeed a wreck but stranded half way up a beach in Umm al Quwain. Not so much a dive more like a stroll at low tide. The second one proved to be in 35m of water and provided a few tantalising shapes on the echo sounder. We gave up this time but a return visit may be in order to find out what it is. After this we went to the nearby Dara where a couple of dives were rewarded by the appearance of a friendly turtle. While this was going on Mike Anthony was putting in some graft on the trailer which as a result is back in full working order – cheers Mike! The dive on Friday the 10th seems to have been quite eventful. At least we can now say we've categorically proved that the boat floats a lot better with the bungs in. The viz on the Saraf wasn't too good either I gather. (the Red Sea was quite nice though).
Authors-Ian Hussey and Dive Member Contributions. Archives
March 2023