Welcome to BSAC 406 weekly Dive Report. Please contact Ian Hussey if you would like to contribute to the weekly newsletter that is distributed to BSAC 406 members worldwide. In addition, if you would like to feature in the published Dive Report please contact Polly Buckingham. |
The last weekend in the month (the 28th) was very busy for the club. We had 12 divers (needing both boats again) for a dive on the Mariam Express and then on to the Neptune. The trip to the Mariam was necessary because when we went there last week, we neglected to bring the anchor back with us. This was retrieved and we also laid a line from the cardinal buoy on to the wreck. On the Neptune the water was a bit clearer and the swim throughs a bit more satisfying. On Saturday four techies dove the Energy. Friday the 21st: A trip to the Mariam Express had to be cut short after one dive because the sea was getting a bit rough. Still we came back with a few china sets that will no doubt gracing some divers’ kitchen table after a clean-up. It was also fun watching some young lads with (presumably) rich daddy’s in a large boat but without much in the way of seamanship or diving skills. Having nearly holed their boat on the Mariam cardinal buoy, they then proceeded to scatter divers over a wide area, not one of whom actually made it under the water. Went back to the “Bigpro” dhow on Friday the 14th to try and locate the item that we left there. No joy I’m afraid but we went on to Karen’s Dhow and found a bit of glassware instead. Both these dhow’s are very close to the “Oceanic”, a passenger liner that’s been parked for a year or so waiting for a scrapyard to take it. We’ve passed the ship many times on the way out and we reckon it would make a lovely wreck if it were sunk in the right place. Thanks to Kerwin for sending me the links below if you want to know more about the vessel: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SS Independence http://www.maritimematters.com/independence.html BSAC406 wheel covers are now available – the ideal accessory for your 4-wheel drive and priced at a mere Dhs 75 each. Available at the Wanderers office. Alas no large sea creatures to report on Friday the 7th when we had the intention of doing the Ludvig - but the sea state turned out to be worse than advertised so we headed for the Zainab instead. Two DSDC boats were already there and a boat from Jumeirah Beach Hotel turned up shortly after so it was like Piccadilly Circus out there. The viz was like pea soup and after one dive in the murk and with no sign of the sea improving we opted to cut our losses, go back and have a few drinks by the pool instead. It’s tough in the Gulf sometimes.
Sharjah Aquarium is doing a beach and underwater clean at Al Khan village on 3 October as part of Project Aware. T-shirts and certificates will be given to participants. It’s a worthwhile exercise and it would be good for us to have a few people there. If you’re interested, contact Cathy at [email protected].
Authors-Ian Hussey and Dive Member Contributions. Archives
March 2023